Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Glorious Morning

This morning we were up bright and early (4:30 for the parents, 5:00 for the kids) to go see the Twin Falls Temple open house. We planned to go early on a Saturday morning so that Robert could go with us. I had sent the kids to bed early last night so they wouldn't be so tired. When Jesse went to bed I told him it was so we would go to the temple. He got excited and asked if everyone was going to go so I explained that before a temple is dedicated, it is open to the public. He was so happy to be able to go. When we got the kids up, there was no complaining about the hour or anything. They just got up, got dressed in their church clothes and headed to the car.

We left around 5:30 and with all the stops needed for kids we made it just in time. When we got close to the temple I explained how sacred the temple is and how we need to be very reverent inside and to whisper. Britain asked if it was a tour or if we could just wander around. We told him it was a tour and all the sudden Jesse didn't want to go. I was a little shocked since he was so excited to go. Well it turned out that he thought we said a chore not a tour and he just didn't want to do any chores. He was happy when he understood it was a tour.

First we went into a chapel and watch a great movie on temples. Tyler, Britain, and Jesse were mesmerized by it and Faith did pretty good. Then we headed outside and got to look up at the Angel Moroni and the front of the temple. The grounds were so beautiful and the spirit was very strong throughout the tour. As we headed throughout the temple, all the kids were very reverent and paid close attention to the temple and the tour guide. Jesse kept comparing the rooms we were in with the brochure we were given. He would look around and then find the matching picture and used it like a map of where we were in the temple.

My favorite time was when we reached the celestial room. The guide didn't talk and asked everyone to remain quiet and to feel the spirit there. Everyone of the kids stood silently (even Faith) and partook of the spirit there. It was so bright and peaceful. The Holy Ghost was testifying to all who would listen that this is the house of the Lord.

After the tour was over, there was a reception room set up in the cultural hall of the chapel. It was beautifully decorated and had wonderful pictures of Christ and temples along the wall. After Faith was done with her cookies, I walked her around the room. Sh walked up to a picture of Christ and said "This is Jesus Christ." She loved seeing His picture and had to look at each picture of Him. I am so glad that our children were able to see the temple and to feel the spirit there. Britain said he was in awe of it. They each talked about their favorite parts and coming home Faith pointed out the Boise temple and made sure everyone saw it. She then continue to talk about the temple (although much of it was hard to understand). I am very thankful for the temples that we have and the chance for our family to be together forever!


Kristi M. said...

I can't wait to go. I have never been on a temple tour so I am excited. I am thrilled that you had a great time. I love that Jesse thought that it was a chore. Too cute!

Orton Family said...

Wow - What a special trip! We are so glad your family was able to go see the Twin Falls temple! Thank you for sharing your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Hannah! you should ahve told us that you were coming down!! Isn't Twin falls awesome, we miss Caldwell but just love being home by the canyon and river. The temple is really awesome too. we were able to go through a while ago and I felt the same way in the celestial room with Addison. Now she says temple all the time! If you know anyone else who is coming down tell them to call us if they need a place to stay or want to know directions to the Falls or other sites!! We are just hanging out down here and would love to make everyones pricy trip worth it! pass the word along! Aubrey