On Wednesday Britain turned 12. This is such an exciting time for him as he is growing up! We decided to celebrate his birthday on Saturday when the grandparents would be here. Robert's parents arrived on Thursday night after driving from Missouri. My parents were unable to make it at the last minute because my dad who had poor health became really sick and was unable to get out of bed for most of the week.
In our family instead of having birthday parties that are all about gifts and a give-me attitude as Robert puts it, we celebrate the day of the individual by doing things that the birthday person wants for the day. Britain chose to have pancakes and eggs for breakfast. He wanted to help cook his meals so he cooked the pancakes while I did the eggs. Then we headed to the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise. Britain loves science and has been wanting to go back here for awhile now. The kids all loved exploring the museum and watching the birds throughout the center. We then headed home for Britain's lunch of choice : chicken, green beans, and salad. While lunch was cooking, Britain decided to make his own birthday cake. He made the cake and then with help from his grandma made the frosting as well.
Next we had a short interlude to have a recital for Tyler. Since she finished her next book in cello she needed to hold a recital. We decided this time to just have it for the grandparents at our home. She did a great job and has worked very hard to have the recital when her grandparents were in town!
For dinner Britain decided to have spaghetti and meatballs, so while Grandpa Hamilton took Britain to meet with Bishop Mooso at church, I cooked dinner. After dinner we opened presents and had cake and ice cream. Britain loved his presents that included: a new suit and tie, a personalized book about him, some John Bytheway Cd's and book, a wall hanging of the armor of God, and a special wall hanging of his personal priesthood line of authority. As you can see for this birthday the gifts had more of a spiritual basis. This is because of the events that happened on Sunday.
Congrats and what a great birthday. Another deacon to pass the sacrament. How great is that.
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