Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Friday- Festivals, Gardens, and Floods Oh My!

So It has been another busy week. Last Saturday I worked on getting part of my garden planted. My peas, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, and broccoli are in. I planned on planting my potatoes and carrots today, but the rain ruined my plans. My tomatoes are also planted in containers. In between gardening I took Tyler and Britain to their festivals. Tyler participated in cello and piano while Britain did piano. For Tyler she had a memory lapse on her cello in the morning and I think she then freaked a little on her piano because she just couldn't do it with out her music. So she will not receive a score this year (if you use music you can't get a score). Britain hit a brick wall hard with one of his pieces and couldn't get past it the month leading up to festival. Instead of saying anything he just refused to play it and do to conflicts he went several weeks without lessons. About a week and a half before festival we changed that piece of music so he could at least participate. He worked hard and memorized it, but it wasn't up to performance level yet so he received a Very Good rating this year.

Two weeks ago Britain also went on another cam pout to Givens Hot Springs. He had a great time, but did come home with a nasty burn from picking up a hot poker from the fire. He was very proud because despite his fear of heights, he climbed Devil's Ladder (I think that was the name of it).
Sorry for that brief interlude, now back to last Saturday. That evening we went to a ward party of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I got the time wrong so we were late, but the kids had a great time playing all the games. Tyler went home with her friend Katie and went with her to her first stake dance!! There is no way she should be old enough to do that!! Very scary. She had a great time and danced with a few boys. She has decided that she is going to every dance. SHE SHOULD NOT BE OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday night my friend Jill told us about a cello and bass concert. It was in a ladies home to support Caldwell Fine Arts. I decided to take Tyler and Britain because it is such a rare opportunity to see a cello and bass duet. It was AMAZING! The group is called The Bottom Line Duo and they are extraordinary. The kids were so excited that it rejuvenated their love for their instruments. We spent quite a long time talking with Spencer the bass player. I am hoping to order some music from them so Tyler and Britain can do some duets together.
Tyler and Britain had their last track meet on Monday. Tyler then made it to district in the 200 meter hurdles so she will have another week of track. She was injured two weeks ago on the hurdles so I am hoping mentally she will be ready to jump again.
On Thursday we also found out our sprinkler system has sprung a leak somewhere. The crawl space ended up with quite a bit of water in it. We will be pulling up the vapor barrier today to help with the drying process. Our sprinkler people where supposed to be coming out today to work on it, but with the rain I don't know if they will make it.
Yesterday I was able to go with my good friend Carmen to the temple on our monthly trip. It was great to spend some time together. Since she moved this is the only time we see each other. I then went to a Money Matters class for Elder's Quorum which was informative and motivational. Overall it has been a busy time, but what else is new.