Monday, September 14, 2009

Briatin's Birthday or WHAT ANOTHER TEENAGER!!!!!!

Ok so there is nothing that makes you feel old like having multiple teenagers in the house!! On September 3rd Britain turned 13. That evening was crazy with his cross country meet, a baby shower for a friend, and a pack meeting that thankfully was cancelled shortly before it was supposed to start, so we decided to have his birthday celebration the following Saturday. We enjoyed Britain's birthday meal picks that included pancakes, pizza, and shepherds pie. For his activity he decided to go shooting, so we all headed to the shooting range and Robert helped everyone shoot for a few hours before heading back for presents, cake, and ice cream.

Britain was ecstatic to get an mp3 player and some wii games that he played the rest of the evening with Jesse. It was a great day celebrating a wonderful kid. I am amazed how hast they grow up. We love you Brit!!

Pictures will come in the future if I can ever get them off my phone! =P